snow chains NISSAN ROGUE 2016 2.G Owners Manual

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●If the low tire pressure warning light
illuminates while driving, avoid sudden
steering maneuvers or abrupt braking,
reduce vehicle speed, pull off the road
to a safe location and stop the vehicle
as soon as possible. Driving with under-
inflated tires may permanently damage
the tires and increase the likelihood of
tire failure. Serious vehicle damage
could occur and may lead to an accident
and could result in serious personal in-
jury. Check the tire pressure for all four
tires. Adjust the tire pressure to the
recommended COLD tire pressure
shown on the Tire and Loading Informa-
tion label to turn the low tire pressure
warning light OFF. If you have a flat tire,
replace it with a spare tire as soon as
possible. (For additional information,
refer to “Flat tire” in the “In case of
emergency” section for changing a flat
tire.) ●
Since the spare tire is not equipped with
the TPMS, when a spare tire is mounted
or a wheel is replaced, tire pressure will
not be indicated, the TPMS will not
function and the low tire pressure warn-
ing light will flash for approximately
1 minute. The light will remain on after
1 minute. Have your tires replaced
and/or TPMS system reset as soon as
possible. It is recommended you visit a
NISSAN dealer for this service.
● Replacing tires with those not originally
specified by NISSAN could affect the
proper operation of the TPMS.
● Do not inject any tire liquid or aerosol
tire sealant into the tires, as this may
cause a malfunction of the tire pressure
● The TPMS may not function properly
when the wheels are equipped with tire
chains or the wheels are buried in snow. ●
Do not place metalized film or any
metal parts (antenna, etc.) on the win-
dows. This may cause poor reception of
the signals from the tire pressure sen-
sors, and the TPMS will not function
Some devices and transmitters may temporarily
interfere with the operation of the TPMS and
cause the low tire pressure warning light to illu-
Some examples are:
– Facilities or electric devices using similar radio frequencies are near the vehicle.
– If a transmitter set to similar frequencies is being used in or near the vehicle.
– If a computer (or similar equipment) or a DC/AC converter is being used in or near the
Low tire pressure warning light may illuminate in
the following cases. ● If the vehicle equipped with a wheel and tire
without TPMS.
● If the TPMS has been replaced and the ID
has not been registered.
● If the wheel is not originally specified by
Starting and driving5-5

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The brake system has two separate hydraulic
circuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still
have braking at two wheels.
Vacuum assisted brakes
The brake booster aids braking by using engine
vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop the
vehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However,
greater foot pressure on the brake pedal will be
required to stop the vehicle and stopping dis-
tance will be longer.
Using the brakes
Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal while
driving. This will overheat the brakes, wear out the
brake pads faster, and reduce gas mileage.
To help reduce brake wear and to prevent the
brakes from overheating, reduce speed and
downshift to a lower gear before going down a
slope or long grade. Overheated brakes may
reduce braking performance and could result in
loss of vehicle control.
●While driving on a slippery surface, be
careful when braking, accelerating or
downshifting. Abrupt braking or accel-
erating could cause the wheels to skid
and result in an accident.
● If the engine is not running or is turned
off while driving, the power assist for
the brakes will not work. Braking will be
Wet brakes
When the vehicle is washed or driven through
water, the brakes may get wet. As a result, your
braking distance will be longer and the vehicle
may pull to one side during braking.
To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe
speed while lightly pressing the brake pedal to
heat up the brakes. Do this until the brakes return
to normal. Avoid driving the vehicle at high
speeds until the brakes function correctly.
Parking brake break-in
Break-in the parking brake shoes whenever the
effect of the parking brake is weakened or when-
ever the parking brake shoes and/or
drums/rotors are replaced, in order to assure the
best braking performance. This procedure is described in the vehicle service
manual. It is recommended that you visit a
NISSAN dealer for this service.

The ABS is a sophisticated device, but it
cannot prevent accidents resulting from
careless or dangerous driving tech-
niques. It can help maintain vehicle con-
trol during braking on slippery surfaces.
Remember that stopping distances on
slippery surfaces will be longer than on
normal surfaces even with ABS. Stop-
ping distances may also be longer on
rough, gravel or snow covered roads, or
if you are using tire chains. Always
maintain a safe distance from the ve-
hicle in front of you. Ultimately, the
driver is responsible for safety.
● Tire type and condition may also affect
braking effectiveness.
– When replacing tires, install the specified size of tires on all four
5-48Starting and driving

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●Do not modify the vehicle’s suspension.
If suspension parts such as shock ab-
sorbers, struts, springs, stabilizer bars,
bushings and wheels are not NISSAN
recommended for your vehicle or are
extremely deteriorated, the VDC system
may not operate properly. This could
adversely affect vehicle handling per-
formance, and the
indicator may
flash or both the
tor lights may illuminate.
● If brake related parts such as brake
pads, rotors and calipers are not
NISSAN recommended or are extremely
deteriorated, the VDC system may not
operate properly and both the
and theindicator lights may
● If engine control related parts are not
NISSAN recommended or are extremely
deteriorated, both the
andindicator lights may illuminate. ●
When driving on extremely inclined sur-
faces such as higher banked corners,
the VDC system may not operate prop-
erly and the
indicator may flash or
both the
lights may illuminate. Do not drive on
these types of roads.
● When driving on an unstable surface
such as a turntable, ferry, elevator or
ramp, the
indicator may flash or
both the
lights may illuminate. This is not a mal-
function. Restart the engine after driv-
ing onto a stable surface.
● If wheels or tires other than the NISSAN
recommended ones are used, the VDC
system may not operate properly and
indicator may flash or both
andindicator lights may
● The VDC system is not a substitute for
winter tires or tire chains on a snow
covered road.
During braking while driving through turns, the
system optimizes the distribution of force to each
of the four wheels depending on the radius of the
● The VDC system is designed to help the
driver maintain stability but does not
prevent accidents due to abrupt steer-
ing operation at high speeds or by care-
less or dangerous driving techniques.
Reduce vehicle speed and be especially
careful when driving and cornering on
slippery surfaces and always drive
● Do not modify the vehicle’s suspension.
If suspension parts such as shock ab-
sorbers, struts, springs, stabilizer bars,
bushings and wheels are not NISSAN
recommended for your vehicle or are
extremely deteriorated, the VDC system
may not operate properly. This could
adversely affect vehicle handling per-
formance, and the
indicator may
flash or both the
tor lights may illuminate.
Starting and driving5-51

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●If brake related parts such as brake
pads, rotors and calipers are not
NISSAN recommended or are extremely
deteriorated, the VDC system may not
operate properly and both the
and theindicator lights may
● If engine control related parts are not
NISSAN recommended or are extremely
deteriorated, both the
andindicator lights may illuminate.
● When driving on extremely inclined sur-
faces such as higher banked corners,
the VDC system may not operate prop-
erly and the
indicator may flash or
both the
lights may illuminate. Do not drive on
these types of roads.
● When driving on an unstable surface
such as a turntable, ferry, elevator or
ramp, the
indicator may flash or
both the
lights may illuminate. This is not a mal-
function. Restart the engine after driv-
ing onto a stable surface. ●
If wheels or tires other than the NISSAN
recommended ones are used, the VDC
system may not operate properly and
indicator may flash or both
andindicator lights may
● The VDC system is not a substitute for
winter tires or tire chains on a snow
covered road. The chassis control is an electric control module
that includes the following functions:
● Active Trace Control
● Active Engine Brake
● Active Ride Control
This system senses driving based on the driver’s
steering and acceleration/braking patterns, and
controls brake pressure at individual wheels to
aid tracing at corners and help smooth vehicle
The Active Trace Control can be set to ON (en-
abled) or OFF (disabled) through the vehicle
information display “Settings” page. For addi-
tional information, refer to “Vehicle information
display” in the “Instruments and controls” section
of this manual.
When the VDC OFF switch is used to turn off the
VDC system, the Active Trace Control is also
turned off.
5-52Starting and driving

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engine coolant” in the “Maintenance and do-it-
yourself” section of this manual.
1. SUMMER tires have a tread designed toprovide superior performance on dry pave-
ment. However, the performance of these
tires will be substantially reduced in snowy
and icy conditions. If you operate your ve-
hicle on snowy or icy roads, NISSAN recom-
mends the use of MUD & SNOW or ALL
SEASON TIRES on all four wheels. It is
recommended that you visit a NISSAN
dealer for the tire type, size, speed rating and
availability information.
2. For additional traction on icy roads, studded tires may be used. However, some U.S.
states and Canadian provinces prohibit their
use. Check local, state and provincial laws
before installing studded tires.
Skid and traction capabilities of studded
snow tires on wet or dry surfaces may be
poorer than that of non-studded snow tires. 3. Tire chains may be used. For additional in- formation, refer to “Tire chains” in the “Main-
tenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
It is recommended that the following items be
carried in the vehicle during winter:
● A scraper and stiff-bristled brush to remove
ice and snow from the windows and wiper
● A sturdy, flat board to be placed under the
jack to give it firm support.
● A shovel to dig the vehicle out of snowdrifts.
● Extra washer fluid to refill the windshield-
washer fluid reservoir.
● Wet ice (32°F, 0°C and freezing rain) ,
very cold snow or ice can be slick and
very hard to drive on. The vehicle will
have much less traction or “grip” under
these conditions. Try to avoid driving on
wet ice until the road is salted or
● Whatever the condition, drive with cau-
tion. Accelerate and slow down with
care. If accelerating or downshifting too
fast, the drive wheels will lose even
more traction. ●
Allow more stopping distance under
these conditions. Braking should be
started sooner than on dry pavement.
● Allow greater following distances on
slippery roads.
● Watch for slippery spots (glare ice) .
These may appear on an otherwise
clear road in shaded areas. If a patch of
ice is seen ahead, brake before reach-
ing it. Try not to brake while on the ice,
and avoid any sudden steering
● Do not use the cruise control on slip-
pery roads.
● Snow can trap dangerous exhaust
gases under your vehicle. Keep snow
clear of the exhaust pipe and from
around your vehicle.
Engine block heaters are used to assist with cold
temperature starting.
The engine block heater should be used when
the outside temperature is 20°F (-7°C) or lower.
5-58Starting and driving

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●Tow chains or cables must be attached
only to main structural members of the
● Do not use the vehicle tie-downs to tow
or free a stuck vehicle.
● Only use devices specifically designed
for vehicle recovery and follow the
manufacturer’s instructions.
● Always pull the recovery device straight
out from the front of the vehicle. Never
pull at an angle.
● Route recovery devices so they do not
touch any part of the vehicle except the
attachment point.
If your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc.,
use a tow strap or other device designed specifi-
cally for vehicle recovery. Always follow the
manufacturer’s instructions for the recovery de-
vice.Rocking a stuck vehicle
● Stand clear of a stuck vehicle.
● Do not spin your tires at high speed.
This could cause them to explode and
result in serious injury. Parts of your
vehicle could also overheat and be
If your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc.,
use the following procedure: 1. Turn off the Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system.
2. Make sure the area in front and behind the vehicle is clear of obstructions.
3. Turn the steering wheel right and left to clear an area around the front tires.
4. Slowly rock the vehicle forward and back- ward.
● Shift back and forth between R (Reverse)
and D (Drive) .
● Apply the accelerator as little as possible
to maintain the rocking motion. ●
Release the accelerator pedal before
shifting between R (Reverse) and D
(Drive) .
● Do not spin the tires above 35 mph
(55 km/h).
5. If the vehicle cannot be freed after a few tries, contact a professional towing service
to remove the vehicle.
6-16In case of emergency